VIdeo the Future of the Content Marketing in China ?

The mobile video sector in China is diversifying and will soon grow to 1 billion monthly active users.

Mobile video is secondary to social media in terms of monthly active users (MAU) in China.


Online video content, live streaming and short videos increased by 35.6% compared to 2016, representing nearly 920 million monthly active users (MAUs).

There was an increase of more than 12 million users from February to March 2017.

Although categories are always treated separately, social media is dominated by giants such as WeChat and Weibo, while mobile video is more fragmented.



TOP 10 mobile video platforms:

  1. Tencent with 435 MAU and growth of 48%
  2. IQiyi with 433 MAU and a growth of 58%
  3. Youku with 313 MAU and a growth of 65%
  4. Kuaishou with 109 MAU and a growth of 65%
  5. TV with 99.9 MAU and a growth of 22%
  6. Xiaomi with 95.27 MAU and a -4% growth decrease
  7. MongoTV with 78.7 MAU and a growth of 93%
  8. Sohu with 62 MAU and a growth of 14%
  9. StormPlayer with 52 MAU and a growth of 18%
  10. Tudou with 34.5 MAU and a growth of 6%

Digital Marketing Trends : Short video applications and live broadcasts are increasingly appreciated by the Chinese.

Tencent Video is slightly ahead of iQiyi with 435 million against 433.7 million MAU but with a higher growth rate for iQiyi than Tencent suggesting that future reports will see iQiyi take the initiative.(via)

  • In March 2012, Youku buys Tudou and then becomes an online video platform in China, under the name Youku Tudou.


This platform works pretty much like youtube, the name looks strangely. The principle is about the same … Design is different. We can integrate videos on blogs sites etc …


E-Commerce giant Alibaba Group bought an 18.5% stake in Youku Tudou for $ 1.22 billion. Founded by Jack Ma, the company has bought shares of various companies (film production, online mapping).


The buyout of Youku Tudou was an important strategic initiative that would extend Alibaba’s ecosystem and bring new products and services to the company’s customers.

The group will also merge several of its channels, including Taobao, to form the Big Fish (号 plate) platform, investing RMB 2 billion in its Big Fish Plan (计划 计划) to source content in the whole world.

  • Kuaishou, short video editing and shared application, ranks fourth with 109.4 million MAU and gets 65% growth.


  • Mango TV almost doubled with a 93% growth for 78.7 million MAU, ranking in 7th place.
  • Only Xiaomi TV in the top 10 saw figures falling – 4% to 95.3 million MAU.
  • If Miaopai, video sharing and live application, was counted, it would rank above Kuaishou with 276.5 million MAU, pushing Tudou out of the top 10.
    Miaopai is a short video sharing application in which Weibo has invested.

Miaopai allows users to shoot up to ten seconds of video and then edit or add images to video clips before sharing them with their friends.


In addition to the one-click editing function for different themes, Miaopai allows you to experiment with filters, music, text, etc.

Face recognition and 3D virtual background features will be added in future updates. The application now supports connection to the Weibo and QQ account.

Other types of categories are likely to be expected across mobile devices, with a growing push towards user-generated content and social aspects of mobile video applications (and many other applications, such as the Alipay attempt) and The increasing use of videos by social media applications.


  • Frank Hung

    What is the most popular short video marketing platform in China right now?

    • Dolores Admin

      Douyin seems to have the edge but in terms of live streaming ecommerce Kuaishou is winning 🙂

  • Dodo Mkg

    This is very true! I once spent time on Douyin (TikTok) just to see and this app is way more powerful than it looks like! You can spend hours and hours scrolling without paying attention, caught by challenges, trends, marketing opportunities and e-commerce! Do you know other apps like this??

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