In China you Don’t Just Buy a Cream, you Buy a Total Experience.

Shanghai is one of the main capitals of innovation,it has understood that consumers when they buy retail want to live an experience that is cutting edge and sharable in the social media . One of the great technological innovations in the retail sector has been affected in the sale of cosmetics, which has become hi-tech.

The Example of SK-II

The Japanese brand SK-II immediately understood the concept of “new and technological” experience and for this reason, in May , opened its store in Tokyo then, later in September ,opened FutureX, another Smart Store in Shanghai. Extraordinary experiences can be done at the heart of this futuristic store.

Only by standing in front of a digital wall you can create your piece of art (The Art of you) or before buying any cream, the  “Miracle Water” Lab describes you the various SK-II Facial Treatment Essence , scans and analyzes your skin and finally it shows you the right choices for your phototype.

In Chinese metropolis no one uses the money anymore ,so to meet this common use, SK-II has created a trendy and innovative way of paying. In fact, the Japanese brand collaborated with , a powerful e-commerce company in China, and together they created a special bracelet. The bracelet allows the brand to recognize the buyers every time they enter in the Smart Store and connects them to their JD account , and finally at the time of payment will only need to move the wrist over a scanner.

Sephora is more than make-up!

Another great name in the beauty world has taken the road that involves sales and technological innovation. Also in September and still in Shanghai, in the East Nanjing Road, Sephora opened its first concept store in Asia. The France-based multinational chain of personal care and beauty, has used a technique similar to the SK-II brand, but in this case Sephora has collaborated with Meitru, the company behind the country’s popular photo editing and beautifying app, to present interactive e-commerce walls and virtual make-up artists.

What can we learn from this new approach of selling?

Whether through facial recognition or an interactive make-up artist, what accumulates these two big brands is having exploited the new technologies in the retail field and putting the consumer at the center of this experience.

The merit of both brands stems from the fact that they can transform their off-line events into online ones.

Social Media and KOLs

KOL on social networks are reknown to influence the wider of its community. Their use is often very effective to create a buzz about your brand and allow you to surf on it, in order to put your products/services and the brand’s name forward.

Word of Mouth through Social Media

Word-of-mouth is an essential brand-building tool for companies in China. Sixty per cent of Chinese consumers say friends and family members are a major source of product information. Nowadays they spread the word through social media, so after optimizing your social media marketing tool  you will gain website traffic by catching users attention through social Chinese media. like Weibo with an official account that could help create a community about your brand and show your expertise in this field.

Contact us to establish your brand in China

GENTLEMEN MARKETING AGENCY can help you to success in China’s market. We are specialists in the world of digital in China with our headquarter based in Shanghai. Don’t hesitate, contact us!

Read more about cosmetics in China:

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