How to Open a Wechat Shop?

Many companies are thinking of open a wechat store to sell on Wechat.


In July 2014, Wechat gave birth to the “Wechat store” allowing companies to set up their own e-commerce platform.

With WeChat Pay, WeChat mobile payment system, customers can easily view items and view them via a one-click payment

There are several Wechat e-commerce platforms that can be used to create your own WeChat store.

YouShop (店 店)

The most famous is YouShop, which arrived pretty early in this business and that is very easy to use.

Youshop provides a very similar interface to Taobao, making customers easy to see.

It also comes with the English version, which satisfies people who are not Chinese.

YouShop service is paying

Example of YouShop


Youzan (赞 赞) :

Youzan seems to be a better choice for B2B as it offers more functions than buying online. (Can be compared to Tmall)

A brand can not only customize its WeChat shop with music, videos but also marketing campaigns and discounted promotions.

Youzan offers a variety of easy-to-use templates for businesses to quickly create their WeChat store.


Youzan’s basic platform is free, but you will be charged for more integrated features and advanced designs.
YouZan example :

Other e-commerce platforms on Wechat:
– Paipai (小店 小店)

– WeChat store (微 店 店).


Advantages :

  • Low cost
  • Easy to open an account

Disadvantages :

  • Many similarities make the e-commerce site more difficult to distinguish from others.
  • You do not have your own back-end system, so you have to follow their rules. This can be tricky if you want to add a new feature that is still not provided on the e-commerce platform you are using.
  • For brands that own a WeChat store based on Youshop or Youzan, it could be messy if they want to carry out order management, as most of the time, the WeChat store and the site are not in the same platform.
  • The creation of an additional command management system seems redundant, but inevitable.


  1. Go to the Youzan home page “注册”
    3.A name
    4.Bank account
    5.Enter your phone number (a verification code will be sent to you by SMS)
    6.A password
    7.Confirm subscription 注册 注册 “
    Once the account is created :
  1. Create your shop (link in blue on the right) 新 店铺
    2.Fill in the information (no company name if you do not have a company registered in China)
    3.Click 店铺 店铺 (create a store)
    4.On the next page you will need to select a template. You can analyze the QR code to see an overview of each model. In our case, we will select the “模板 模板” (general model)
    5.Click “确认” (Confirm). That’s it, your store is created!
How to check your Youzan store?

Administrative part :

  1. Simply click on the label and on the main page of the store.
    2.Select the record  and fill in the required fields.
    You will then receive a payment QR code. This QR code must be analyzed by an individual with the same name as the one you filled in the previous screen. The person will then have to pay a verification fee of 0.01 RMB.

Youzan will check the name you sent with the name used for payment. If they match, the audit will be successful.

Buying a Youzan subscription

In order to continue using Youzan long-term (after your 1 week trial period), you will need to upgrade your store.

  1. To do this, press the “订购 订购” button at the top of the screen.
    You will be offered the choice:
  • Subscription of 1 year (4 800 RMB) or 624 €
  • Subscription of 2 years (8 800 RMB) or 1144 €

2. Press “立即 订购” again (Buy Now).
3. The next screen will prompt you to review the billing information and press “同意 协议 并 付款” (accept the terms and pay).
4. Pay online “在线 支付” (next screen)
5. You will receive a page with a QR code that can be analyzed with WeChat or Alipay to complete the payment (of course you will need either a WeChat personal payment or an Alipay account for it)

6. Upon payment, your account will be fully activated. This means that you can now collect money from your orders by going to section 资产 (Assets) / 现 现 (Removing) from your account.

You need a wechat store ? 

If you need help to open your Wechat Store, you can contact us. We are an eCommerce agency specializing in the Chinese Market. 

Read: Wechat marketing Guide for Fashion & Luxury brands


  • Yuang Hu

    I would also like to open a Weixin shop! Can you help??

  • Hello
    We are several taobao stores and we resell mainly foreign brands , we are open to collaboration with new brands.
    Need to have a bit of brand awareness and good products / price.
    Contact me if you are interested.

  • Hello
    I think that wechat is the future of E-Commerce and is beating taobao.


    Hi my name is Dinesh . I’m from India .I’m graduated student from Nanjing China. I’m looking for the further advancement of my businesses in China. Can I be more clear about this wechat shop youzan? Help me if its possible

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